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V17 ARDF OPEN 2009

Dear all fox hunters,

You are cordially invited to participate in ARDF OPEN 2009 Competition jointly organized by Wilayah V17 groups and Pusat Kokurikulum Kuala Lumpur.

The schedule as follows :-

Date : 5 APRIL 2009 (revised)
Time : 0800-1500
Venue : Pusat Kokurikulum Kuala Lumpur (map)
Hunt mode: On foot/pedestrian route.

Fees :

Fox Hunt only

  • Individual - RM40
  • Team (2 persons) - RM80
  • Students (2 persons) - RM50

SLALOM only (per person) - RM20

Package Fox Hunt + SLALOM (per person) - RM50

Mode of payment :

1) Cash - please pay to Talib (019-2052870)

2) Bank-in to AmBank Acc. 224-202-200189-2 (X TRAIT RESOURCES)

Please acknowledge your payment by email your copy of payment receipt to or sms Talib (019-2052870)

Let us know if you're having difficulties to make a payment.


  1. RDF a.k.a Fox Hunting (5 CW Beacon - MOE,MOI,MOS,MOH,MO5)
  2. Slalom Fox Hunting (First time to be introduced in Malaysia)
  3. Mini Field Day
  4. ARDF Technical Talk
  5. Flea Market
  6. Exhibitions

Championships Categories:

  1. Individual
  2. Two persons per team ( only one set of RDF kit allowed)


Open to all Malaysian Citizenship only.


Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) is the sport of finding a very low power hidden radio transmitters on foot, using radio receiver, antenna, map, and compass in diverse. ARDF joins orienteering skills like the proper use of topographic maps, compass skills, and locational awareness, with radio direction finding skills using hand-held portable receivers and antennas. It is great fun for young and old alike - an opportunity for personal challenge in the great outdoors!

A lot of prizes to be won such as a RADIO TRANSCEIVER and many more radio equipment is waiting for you. DON'T MISS IT!



Early registration can be made by REGISTER HERE or

Please keep up to date by visiting this official website regularly.

Looking forward for your participation.

Thank you.

p/s : kepada rakan2 yg xtahu apa itu ARDF - sila guna pak cik goooglr.. hehe... suatu permainan yg menggunakka skill antenna utk mecari transmitter low frequency... aku pun tak tahu lagi mcm mana permainan nie.. jadi kepada sesiapa yg berminat nk ikot g KL, marilah bersama2 kita ke KL menuntut ilmu "aplikasi radio amateur"....

Program Sinopsis :


To create an awareness of Radio Directional Finder.


  • Individual (above 18 years old)
  • Malaysian Citizenship

Competition regulation

  1. A distance between competitors and target antennas + 10 meter.
  2. A distance among competitors + 1 meter.
  3. A distance among target antennas + 1.5 meter.
  4. Competitors need to aim which antennas is transmiting Tone (Beacon).
  5. Each competitors will be given a scoring card to mark the chosen target.
  6. Competitors need to choose only one antenna from four antennas.
  7. Competitors will be disqualified if more than one answers found by the judges.

Winners evaluation

  1. Judges will choose only three competitors to win the prizes.(1,2 & 3)
  2. Competitors will have a chance to aim the target antenna up to three times in durations of 30 second each and also need to collect three point of answers correctly.
  3. In first level, if there are competitors gets 3 points more than 3 other competitors, the other competitors which only gets 1 or 2 points will be eliminated.
  4. The competitor which carries 3 points will proceed to the next level until finally gets the winners.
International ARDF at Korea last year :

FOX HUNT kat Melaka hujung tahun lepas :

p/s : bila plak kita nk main natang neh... geram gila aku tgk...

Beacon yg bakal digunakkan dalam ARDF OPEN 2009

Still need some programming.. but i don't know what is the input and output.


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